It’s Time to Recalibrate Our Moral Compass!

As I waiting on the Lord before the sun rose the other morning the Lord suddenly dropped a vision in my spirit of a moral compass. A compass is used to navigate to a destination and it’s an essential tool to help determine where you are on a journey if it is calibrated correctly. 

You see, in the world there is “true north” and “magnetic north.”  Magnetic north is impacted by the magnetism of the world in the location where the compass is actually located.  The magnetism introduces error which we call deviation. 

When the deviation is known, then a correction can be made to the compass so that it points to true north. 

When the compass is properly calibrated it can be combined with an accurate map that displays the lay of the land.  Then you can navigate effectively.  

Land navigation is especially important to armies in war.  Good generals understand strategically and tactically how to use the land to their advantage.  

He Who Controls the Language Determines the Lay of the Land 
We are in a culture war.  In this kind of war the lay of the land is determined by who controls the language as language is used to determine the boundaries or frame an issue.  The language is used to map out all the elements in a issue.

Remember that Satan is the father of lies, a deceiver and a murderer (John 8:44).  He comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10), That’s his modus operandi.  The best lies and best deceits include significant portions of truth.  

Why? Because it is easier to trick more people through ignorance and apathy.  

Two Key Strategies of Satan in the Culture War

The culture war is the place where the spiritual war that spilled from heaven to earth in Revelation 12 manifests on earth working through people. Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven and it says in Revelation 12:17 Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea.  The war my friends is over truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life while Satan is a liar, a deceiver, a thief and a murderer. 

The prize?  The souls of men and women and their eternal destiny in heaven or in hell. 

I would say there are 7 major theaters of operations today in societies around the world.  They are:

  1. Religion
  2. Family
  3. Government
  4. Business
  5. Education
  6. Media/Arts/Entertainment 
  7. Healthcare

There are issues within each of these spheres that define the lay of the land.  Remember, language is used to define the lay of the land in a culture war and he who controls the language controls the lay of the land.  In a sense, language can be used to create a map of the various issues.  Hidden within each issue are a variety of traps. 

2 Corinthians 2:11 says we are not ignorant of the enemy’s devices.  The term translated devices from the Greek literally means his thoughts, his mind and his purpose.  If you know the root you will be better positioned to identify the fruit and recognize the snares that the sons and daughters of Satan (John 8:44) set.  They’ll use various elements in an issue to lay a labyrinth of traps for the unsuspecting and naive.  

Evil Strategy #1
Both strategies are done simultaneously.  The first I’ll highlight is how the Satan will seek to change the map through deceit.  This is accomplished by redefining terms or making terms up.  This is done to create a terrain which gives an advantage to evil people who are influenced by the demonic. 

So evil strategy #1 is to change the map!  Change the argument to put the righteous on the defensive and at a disadvantage. 

Let me give an example using the abortion issue which is played out in the Family, Government and Healthcare spheres. A major player is called “Planned Parenthood.”  Sounds like a great name that would speak to planning for becoming a family.  Only that is not what it does.  It’s an abortion factory that seeks to avert the consequences of having sex outside of marriage in most cases.  They actually murder unborn children.  When you consider this evil system has helped slaughter more than 6x more than were murdered in the holocaust in WWII, it should give you an idea of the magnitude of of this abomination. 

They created a term called “Pro-Choice” while labeling those who stood with truth “Anti-Abortion.”  They used these terms along with lies such as “it’s a woman’s body.”  Well, no, it is actually two bodies with two hearts, two brains, etc. 

Ignorance and apathy have allowed the majority to accept the map of the issue the Liberal Left Democrats have drawn up.  It’s not based on truth, but rather on lies. 

The Church for the most part has been on the defensive.  It’s time to take the initiative and the narrative back.  

Evil Strategy #2 
Satan is tempter.  He understands the lust of the eyes, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life well.  In fact, in 2 Corinthians 4:4 he is called the god of this world and it says, “​In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”   He blinds people.  

The god of this world understands human nature and will seek to draw upon people’s weaknesses to cause them to sin.  Why?  Because he knows sin, iniquity and abominations are terribly destructive.  His goal is to kill, steal and destroy and what better way than to do that than through the “magnetism of this world.”  

That’s how he introduces deviation to the moral compass.  To get you to miss the mark does not require you to make a 180 degree turn.  It just requires you be off a few degrees to get you to miss the mark.  If you are off by 10 or 15 degrees it is possible for you to miss the whole target. 

Calibrating Your Moral Compass to Adjust for Deviation
The Bible says in:

  • Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever.”   
  • Proverbs 3:4-5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

This means that our actions, decisions and words ought to be compared to God’s word.  That is how you adjust for deviation.  Then you will be able to say:

  • Psalm 119:30-32 “I have chosen the way of truth; Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies;
    O Lord, do not put me to shame! I will run the course of Your commandments, For You shall enlarge my heart
  • I chose to follow Jesus for He has shown me the way:  John 14:6 “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

It’s Time to Re-Draw the Map Accurately
When your moral compass is properly calibrated you are better able to navigate the terrain.  But you must be wary for the map that many use today has been developed by our adversary.  A properly calibrated compass is not very useful if the map is false or wrong.  It will lead you to a place you do not expect. 

In my book, Developing Apostolic Strategy I share about the 8 major biblical principles of war.  The principle of offense states that offense is the only way you get victory.  Defense only avoids or delays defeat unless it is combined with an offensive strategy.  

The Church has been on the defense far to long as is evidenced by the moral condition of our nations laws.  Hence, that is why the Demoncrats have successfully defended legalizing the murder of the unborn since 1972.  

Charles Finney said in the 1800’s that ‘If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it.  If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. ” Click for Mario Murrilo’s article Many Will Fall Away but an even Bigger Harvest is Coming

All I can say is AMEN!  That is the TRUTH!  

The Church Should Serve as a Moral Compass to a Nation
We have failed.  The pulpit in a large part of Christendom has failed.  Oh there are exceptions, but for the most part we’ve failed to address sin, iniquities and abominations that destroy people’s lives.  We’ve failed to address politicians and legislation for fear of offending congregants and “losing their tithes and offerings.”  

I’ve heard prominent ministers say, “well I have both Republicans and Democrats in my congregation.”  So what, since when does righteousness and truth depend upon a political party’s stance?

Whenever you here that excuse, you know their moral compass has deviated.   

Many cry today that the spirit of Elijah will precede the coming of the Lord.  I say amen!  He will.  They love to focus on Malachi 4 that describes how he’ll turn the hearts to the fathers and the fathers to the children.  But they forget how that was modeled as the spirit of Elijah prepared the way for the Lord which included confronting governmental leaders and false religious leaders of the day. 

Consider how Elijah publicly confronted King Ahab’s and Jezebel’s sin and her false prophets.  Then consider that John the Baptist whom Jesus said came in the spirit of Elijah, confronted a variety of societal issues and Herod’s personal sin. Herod had him thrown in prison. I’d say that confronting evil government policies and politicians is part  of God’s plan. 

What’s my point?  Its to address the passivity of the Church today.  But it is not presented as passivity, it is presented as a form of pseudo-wisdom that teaches that love does not confront.  At least, that is what actions say, but that is not what the Bible says.  God says in Hebrews 12:6 that whom He loves He corrects and Ephesians 4:15 admonishes us to speak the truth in love. 

My friends, it is time for the Church, each one in our Father’s house to check the calibration of their moral compass to discover is it really aligned with The Way, the Truth and The Life, Jesus Christ who is also called The Word of God!  

Bottom line, love confronts.  

If you believe it is time for the Church to re-calibrate her moral compass and for minister’s and the saints of God to muster enough courage to confront the evils of this day for the sake of an end-time harvest then join me in praying for:

  • A reformation of the Church
  • Perfect love to overwhelm us to cast out all fear
  • God to remove corruption and the fearful from the ranks of the leadership within His Church
  • A holy remnant to arise 
  • The Church to get her voice back and then give it to our Lord to proclaim His decrees 

If you prayed this prayer and agree, I would invite you to add your name in the reply and then share it with others.  

Author: Tim Taylor

Tim is the founder and presiding apostle of KLI and he is the strategic architect of 1Church1Day (previously called Operation Rolling Thunder). Tim is sought out as a speaker, author, trainer, and consultant to ministries and businesses. He will inspire and equip you to achieve transformation in your city!

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